Trout Power
advocacy. stewardship. citizen science.

Catch the Power
Mission Focus
Enlisting the power of anglers to protect, restore and enhance native brook trout populations and their habitats across their native range, through citizen science, advocacy and stewardship.
EST. 2012
501c3 Jan 1. 2017
Our citizen science efforts seek to identify, map, monitor and advocate for protection of wild and genetically unique brook trout populations in the Adirondacks and wherever they are found throughout New York.

Why Brook trout?
Our team of volunteers help to find and identify wild brook trout populations in the Adirondacks through citizen science. Trout Power is working to map the current genetic biodiversity of brook trout, through which we can advocate for and educate about New York's state fish.
Brook trout are a historically and scientifically important species. Due to their low tolerance for polluted and warm water, their presence is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem. Finding a native brook trout is a reflection of the present conditions, while providing a glimpse into the past.
We rely on help from people like you to contribute to projects, fish as part of our field team, or donate. Our volunteers are people from all backgrounds all over the northeast (and beyond!) coming together for a specific cause. Volunteers become citizen scientists by performing field research using fly rod and reel and our protocols for fin clipping tail samples used for DNA analysis. A professional lab runs and analyzes our samples, combining our volunteers efforts with high level genetic study.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of Trout Power. Click the Get Involved button and be part of the team.

Citizen scientistr


Donate to Trout Power
Performing science the right way is expensive, and every little bit helps, so please consider making a donation.
On average a DNA sample costs approximately $30 per trout.
Currently we are accepting donations via Facebook, Network For Good or a mailed check.
Links are to the right for easy processing.
Donations are used for DNA sample processing and Trout Power Genetic work so that we may continue learning about our native trout.
Thank You for your support!

Native Brook Trout in New York
Brook trout are not only the state fish of New York, they are one of the few fish that is native to the state. As the last glaciers receded thousands of years ago, a pristine environment was left behind for these native fish. Today New York consists of 7,600 lakes and ponds, and over 70,000 miles of streams and rivers.
Over time, the native waters of the brook trout have been affected by a variety of factors which has lead to the significant reduction in the active range of native brook trout. Factors such as stocking, acid rain, invasive species, baitfish being used and dumped in waters have negatively influenced native brookies.
The DEC in NY has had an active stocking program of brook trout beginning in 1879-1880. Over the past 140 years continuous stocking has lead to intraspecific breeding with native populations of fish by mixing the genetics and creating hybrids of stocked and native DNA. Within New York, Trout Power searches for the populations of genetically distinct brook trout that have not been influenced by stocking.
In the past few years, Trout Power has worked to identify the genetic diversity of brook trout and continues to search for more! By mapping the diversity of brook trout genes in the Adirondack park, we hope to show the current snapshot of brook trout populations. As they continue to face challenges that threaten their survival, Trout Power advocates and educates around our special native fish.
Genetic Analysis
Our current focus is species specific to brook trout, and regionally specific to the Adirondack Park. Trout Power uses genetic analysis of fish tissue samples in order to document the genetic diversity of brook trout. Samples are collected from fish that are caught using fly rods and barbless hooks. Trout are handled using safe fish handling practices, kept in the water, and all fish are released.
Since the inception of the genetic analysis project in 2016, Trout Power has caught and released hundreds of brook trout and has documented their tissue samples. The fin clip samples are compared to the 6 stocked strains that are stocked within NYS.


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-Enjoy our quarterly newsletters, The Trout Power Journal.